We welcome children and adults for baptism. In your child’s baptism you are thanking God for the gift of life and starting your child on a lifetime’s journey in the Christian faith. We, as members of this church, are here to support you at this important stage in your child’s life.
When do you have Christening?
Baptisms at Daresbury usually take place on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month at 12.30pm
What’s the difference between a Baptism and a Christening?
There is no difference. They are different words for the same thing.
How do I arrange a Baptism?
Come to a Sunday service and meet our Associate Priest, afterwards. You are welcome to bring your baby in a pram or whatever is convenient for you plus any food or toys that you need. We will discuss possible dates and ask you to fill in a Baptism Form. We do have toys for young children.
What happens if we have moved out of the area?
Perhaps you were married here or lived in the parish as a child and your family are still resident here, in which case phone or e-mail to discuss possible dates.
If we arrange a Baptism do we need to come to church every Sunday?
There is no requirement to attend services but we would enjoy getting to know you and your child before the Baptism day. It also helps you to feel at home in the church building, to get to know some of the people involved in your child’s Baptism service and to have a better understanding of what it means to be part of the Christian family which your child is joining.
Our new baby has played havoc with any structured plans we make! What happens if we are late?
Babies can be very unpredictable! Please don’t worry about arriving after the service has started. In warm weather the door is left ajar and when it’s cold you need to lift the latch but whenever you arrive you are very welcome.
How do we know what is expected of us in the Baptism service?
About 2 or 3 weeks before the service a member of our baptism team meets you for an informal discussion, either at church or in your home, to explain what happens in the service. You will be given some leaflets that explain the significance of the various parts of the service but if you would like to know more now then do visit www.cofe.anglican.org/lifeevents
We are not married. Can our child be baptised?
Yes, we are happy to baptise your child whatever your family structure. We have celebrated Baptisms with one parent families and at weddings. All are welcome.
Does it matter how many friends we invite to the Baptism service?
There is no limit except the size of the church. We have had services for just the small family unit up to over a 100 guests. It is helpful for us to know the numbers so that we are prepared with sufficient Orders of Service.
Please fill in our Baptism application form below. Please come to any of our 10.30am services and talk to us afterwards. Why don’t you check out this website http://churchofenglandchristening.org for more information.
The Thanksgiving service is an opportunity for you to thank God for the gift of your child. It is a short spoken service of approximately ten minutes and does not involve the same promises as in the Baptism service. It can be followed at a later date by Baptism. It is a special way of celebrating the birth or adoption of a new member of your family. At Daresbury it takes place in the chapel at a convenient time for you and your baby and other family and friends if you wish.
Please contact christenings@daresburycofe.org.uk